Estate Planning Blog

Board Meeting Online Options

Directors can engage and connect with one another without the need to travel to or from meetings. This is particularly beneficial for non-profit organizations, whose budgets are limited and may not support frequent trips. In addition to eliminating costs associated with traveling the virtual meeting also offers flexibility and accessibility to a greater range of board members.

If the discussion is held in person or via a virtual meeting the board members must be attentive to the discussion. It’s difficult to remain focused in remote settings where distractions like coffee or phone rings are more likely. In addition, it’s not uncommon for people to lose their focus during online board meetings, if the technology isn’t at the standard.

The best way to make sure board members are involved is to have an agenda that clearly defines goals for the discussion, and the desired result for each item. This keeps everyone focused and on task increasing productivity and efficiency. Additionally, it’s a good idea to include a few timeout breaks throughout the meeting to keep participants fully refueled.

Fellow is one of the best online options for board meetings. It offers a fully customized digital notebook that encourages participation and facilitates powerful conversations. It streamlines the workflow by providing features such as in-line task management, and meeting recordings. The app employs AI to manage meeting notes that allow your team members to concentrate on the more important aspects of their business.

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